Attic Coins


BIN = Buy It now

DND = Deal Or No Deal, (basically make an offer and see if they accept)

PPFF = PayPal Friends and Family

PPG&S = PayPal Goods and Services.

LCS  = Local Coin Shop

PMD = Post-mint Damage

MD = Machine Doubling (Worthless Doubling)

CRH = Coin Roll Hunting

CWR = Customer Wrapper Rolls

DD = Doubled Die

DDO = Doubled Die Obverse

DDR = Doubled Die Reverse

WAM = Wide AM

CAM = Close AM

Lam = Lamination error of some sort.

MAD = Misaligned Die Error

IDB = Interior Die Break

FEC = Flying Eagle Cent

IHC = Indian Head Cent

LWC = Lincoln Wheat Cent

LMC = Lincoln Memorial Cent

LSC = Lincoln Shield Cent

Merc = Mercury (Liberty) Dime

SLQ = Standing Liberty Quarter

WQ = Washington Quarters

ATB =America The Beautiful Quarters

WLH = Walking Liberty Half

SLD = Seated Liberty Dollar

ASE = American Silver Eagle

AGE = American Golden Eagle

AT = Artificial Toning

NT = Natural Toning.

ASW = Actual Silver Weight

AGW = Actual Gold Weight.

OGP = Original government packaging

OBW = original bank wrapped(rolls)

SMS = special mint set

MM = mintmark

RPM = re-punched MM

OMM = over MM

SERP = Special enhanced reverse proof

PR and PF = proof

FB = Full bands

FSB = Fully Separated Bands

FS = Full steps

FH = Full head

FBL = Full bell lines

MPL = Matte Proof Lincoln

Grading acronyms. On slabbed graded coins these acronyms will be followed by a number from 01-70. MS or PR 70 is the highest grade any coin get receive.

TPG = Third Party Graders. Aka PCGS, NGS, etc etc.

PR or PF = Proof

PL = Proof Like

CAM = Cameo

DCAM = Deep cameo

DMPL = Deep Mirror Proof Like.

MS = Mint Sate

UNC = Uncirculated (Same as MS but used when referring to raw ungraded coins.)

BU = Brilliant Uncirculated

AU = About Uncirculated or Almost Uncirculated.

EF or XF = Extremely fine.

VF = Very Fine

F = Fine.

G = Good.

AG = About Good.

PO or PR = Poor.

US Mint Marks:

Philadelphia = P or none

Denver = D

San Francisco = S

West Point = W or no MM like Philly coins.

Carson City Nevada = CC

New Orleans = O

Dahlonega Georgia = D (Gold coins only from 1838-1861)

Charlotte NC = C (Gold Coins only from 1838-1861)



Starting from: $169
Starting from: $219
Starting from: $389
Starting from: $245