Attic Coins

ID 3213924  


Contains a series of separate documents for each different policy and or other notices.

The first page to be an INDEX listing every document with clickable links to each document therein.

Each document will have 1 or more continuous pages in length and separate from each other.


BIN = Buy It now

DND = Deal Or No Deal, (basically make an offer and see if they accept)

PPFF = PayPal Friends and Family

PPG&S = PayPal Goods and Services.

LCS  = Local Coin Shop

PMD = Post-mint Damage

MD = Machine Doubling (Worthless Doubling)

CRH = Coin Roll Hunting

CWR = Customer Wrapper Rolls

DD = Doubled Die

DDO = Doubled Die Obverse

DDR = Doubled Die Reverse

WAM = Wide AM

CAM = Close AM

Lam = Lamination error of some sort.

MAD = Misaligned Die Error

IDB = Interior Die Break

FEC = Flying Eagle Cent

IHC = Indian Head Cent

LWC = Lincoln Wheat Cent

LMC = Lincoln Memorial Cent

LSC = Lincoln Shield Cent

Merc = Mercury (Liberty) Dime

SLQ = Standing Liberty Quarter

WQ = Washington Quarters

ATB =America The Beautiful Quarters

WLH = Walking Liberty Half

SLD = Seated Liberty Dollar

ASE = American Silver Eagle

AGE = American Golden Eagle

AT = Artificial Toning

NT = Natural Toning.

ASW = Actual Silver Weight

AGW = Actual Gold Weight.

OGP = Original government packaging

OBW = original bank wrapped(rolls)

SMS = special mint set

MM = mintmark

RPM = re-punched MM

OMM = over MM

SERP = Special enhanced reverse proof

PR and PF = proof

FB = Full bands

FSB = Fully Separated Bands

FS = Full steps

FH = Full head

FBL = Full bell lines

MPL = Matte Proof Lincoln

Grading acronyms. On slabbed graded coins these acronyms will be followed by a number from 01-70. MS or PR 70 is the highest grade any coin get receive.

TPG = Third Party Graders. Aka PCGS, NGS, etc etc.

PR or PF = Proof

PL = Proof Like

CAM = Cameo

DCAM = Deep cameo

DMPL = Deep Mirror Proof Like.

MS = Mint Sate

UNC = Uncirculated (Same as MS but used when referring to raw ungraded coins.)

BU = Brilliant Uncirculated

AU = About Uncirculated or Almost Uncirculated.

EF or XF = Extremely fine.

VF = Very Fine

F = Fine.

G = Good.

AG = About Good.

PO or PR = Poor.

US Mint Marks:

Philadelphia = P or none

Denver = D

San Francisco = S

West Point = W or no MM like Philly coins.

Carson City Nevada = CC

New Orleans = O

Dahlonega Georgia = D (Gold coins only from 1838-1861)

Charlotte NC = C (Gold Coins only from 1838-1861)



Starting from: $169
Starting from: $219
Starting from: $389
Starting from: $245